Water based paints


MAS ACRITEX PRIMER is an acrylic copolymer based under coat with fine aggregates. It has good flow and good penetration in different surfaces.
For use on exterior and interior surfaces, like plaster, stucco filler, gypsum boards, concrete and asbestos cement sheeting. It is a new generation of coating that gives unmatched and long lasting maintenance free protection for all buildings. It combines both elasticity and alkali-resistant properties. Its serves as a tie-coat in the application of MARMORINO, MAS STUCCO and special effect texture coatings.

Colour – White

Solid (% by volume) – 30%

Specific Gravity – 1.40 +/- 0.2

Diluent – Water

Coverage – 6 – 8 m2

Drying Time @ 25°C – 30 mins.

Drying Time @ 35°C – 20 mins.

Recoating – After 8 hrs.

Application -By brush, roller, airless or conventional spray

If the surface needs to be prepared before painting. Application of PVA WALL FILLER to evened up the surface prior to the application of desired topcoats.

MAS Acritex Primer – 1 coat
Mastex Medium SP – 1 coat
Masdur Topcoat – 2 coats
Mastic Royal Silk/Eggshell – 2 coats
Durashield Topcoat – 2 coats
MAS Acritex Primer – 2 coats
Marmorino – 2 coats
Mas Dune/Mas Stucco – 2 coats