Water based wood paints


HYDROTUFF 2K is a catalyzed water – based polyurethane dispersion for interior/exterior wood coating. It is developed to provide a hard resistant film with excellent abrasion yet flexible film.
It is best recommended for coating floor surfaces, furniture, turn pieces, bamboo canes and the like. HYDROTUFF 2K is available in a satin and semi- glossy finish.
  • Excellent hardness

  • Flexible

  • Non toxic / Environment friendly.

  • Easy to apply

  • Fast Drying.

Appearance: Clear
Specific Gravity: 1.00 kg/L
Viscosity: 40-5″ FC #4
Gloss: 20/30/50/80
Application Condition:
Air Temperature 5~35ºC
Relative humidity Max. 85%
Application Method: Brush/Spray
Mixing ratio: 10:1
Drying Time: (25ºC)
Dust Free 20–30min
To Touch 45–60min.
To Recoat 2-3 hrs
Piling 24–36hrs.
Coating Rate: 7-12 m2/L

Store in the dark, cool and dry places. Shelf life up to 15 months in closed container.
See Safety Indication Sheet.
  • Mix base + hardener with recommended ratio and can be applied by brush or spray. Surface to be coated must be free from dirt and other contaminants. In the remaking of old woods, it is imperative to remove traces of wax, dirt and other oily matter to ensure a perfect adhesion of paints.
  • First coat can be diluted with 5-10% with clean demineralised water, and allow to dry for an hour before sanding to remove any raise grain.
  • Ensure that HYDROTUFF 2K is applied uniformly and never leave unsealed surface to avoid moisture.