Acrylic based paints

Acrylic glasscoat

ACRYLIC GLASSCOAT is based on hydroxyl functional acrylic resins saturated isocyanates. It is weather resistant, high gloss and excellent adhesion to substrates such as glass and plastics.
Recommended as protective and decorative coatings for glass containers (bottles and jars), glass blocks and decorative flat glass for internal/external application.

Economical and long lasting.

Excellent protection for new and old surfaces.

Water and dirt repellent.

UV resistant.

Long years durability.

Appearance – Clear and Pigmented

Specific Gravity – 1.0 – 1.1 kg/L

Viscosity – 120” FC # 4 @ 250C

Flash Point – 230C

Non-Volatile (%wt.)

Application Condition – 85% max.

Air Temperature Relative Humidity – 5 – 350C

Application Method – Brush, Spray

Thinner – PU Thinner #105

Mixing Ratio
Base 90
Hardener 10
Thinner 25-30

Pot Life – 5-6 hours

Drying Time (250C)
Dust Free – 30 – 45 min.
To Touch – 45 – 60 min
To Recoat – 12 – 24 hours
Hard 36 – 48 hours

The substrate must be completely dry and free from dirt, grit, dust, grease and other foreign matters that may interfere in the adhesion of the glass coating. If the glass shows contaminations that require additional cleaning process, suitable glass cleaner is recommended.
It is important that there is no water on the surface prior to the coating application. Ensure the surface is free of any previous residue on the cleaner.

The mixture ready for use and it is a self-priming topcoat, can be applied by brush, roller or spray. In the remaking of glasses, it is imperative to remove traces of wax, dirt and other oily matter to ensure a perfect adhesion of paint. Apply 1 – 2 coats of ACRYLIC GLASS COAT vertically and horizontally. Ensure that the application is even and uniform.
One coat may be sufficient for ordinary finish; however, one coat can be applied wet on wet if necessary. Light sanding with 600 – 800 grit sandpaper is recommended before subsequent coats.
