decorative paints
MAS MICROCEM is water-based paint and environment friendly, nevertheless, health and safety awareness must have complied. It is harmful if swallowed. If contact with eyes occurs, wash well with fresh water and seek medical advice.
Colours & Material Samples

MAS MICROCEM can be applied on well-prepared substrates such as wall and floors. It adheres firmly to concrete, overlays, tile, ceramics and other cementitious surfaces.
- Natural mineral material.
- Contains low VOC.
- Wide range of finishes.
- Wide range of colours available.
- Good workability.
- Good water vapour permeability.
- Hard wearing.
- Resistant to abrasion.
- Unaffected by weather or freeze.
Colour – See Product Catalogues
Appearance – Paste
Fire Rating – 0 (non-flammable/non-combustible)
Specific Gravity – base 1.74kg/L top 1.416kg/L
Solid Content – base 73% top 53%
VOC – base 5g/L top 18g/L
Coverage Rate – base 600-700g/m2 top 200-300g/m2
Drying Time – base 6-12 hrs. top 4-10 hrs.
Mixing Ratio – base 70 : 30 top 50 : 50
Dilution – Water (if required)
- New concrete should be cured at least 28 days. All surfaces must be free from oils, grease, dirt, and other foreign matters that will prevent the material from adhering to the surface.
- Never attempt to apply MAS MICROCEM over wallpaper lining paper and great care should be taken on surfaces that are already decorated. It can be applied on painted surfaces provided the paint is well bonded to the wall or on the floor.
- A flat or true substrate is vital to achieving good quality results as any bumps or imperfections may show up in the finished product.
- All cracks must be filled with appropriate putty filler prior to commencing on top coating.
- The surface should be treated with shot blasting, sanding or other mechanical methods such as floor sander with abrasive pads or abrading with sandpaper.
- Rinse well the surface and remove all residues before application of recommended sealer.
- The object of priming is to seal the substrate to prevent air release, serve as a concrete conditioner and a bonding agent. In this case, use a Prime coat or Uniseal to be applied by brush or roller and allowed to dry before installation.
- MAS MICROCEM BASE should be mixed with a forced action mechanical mixer or by heavy-duty drill fitted with a purpose-made paddle.
- Mix MAS MICROCEM Base B with the desired colour into the mixing vessel and slowly add MAS MICROCEM Base A in accordance with the required mixing ratio whilst continuously mixing until a smooth consistency is obtained. Mix for a minimum of three minutes.
- If the mixture is too dense, add water until you reach the desired consistency.
- MAS MICROCEM may be applied by stainless steel trowel at a rate of approximately 1.5m2/kg.
- Scrap over the layered material to remove any small lumps or trowel lines. Pay attention to the corners to avoid an uneven finish.
- Leave the first layer until dry to touch for about an hour depending on the temperature in the working place.
- Repeat the process progressively over the wall, occasionally passed the areas already coated to achieve the required design and effect.
- Keep on troweling the surface with a cleaned stainless-steel trowel for about 15-20 minutes until the surface is smooth.
- To a well dry Basecoat, sand the surface with 220 grit sandpaper. Remove all laitance and dust by vacuum cleaner prior to the application of MAS MICROCEM TOPCOAT.
- Repeat the same procedure as the Basecoat. Apply the topcoat at a rate of 4m2/kg.
- Leave the surface to dry for about 2 days before application of subsequent coatings.
Protective Coat:
- Mas MICROCEM in itself has smooth, hardwearing and resistant to abrasion but with the addition of a protective coat, additional advantage like resistance to scratch to foot traffic on the floor.
- Ensure that the surface to be coated is free from dust after sanding with 600 grit sand paper. One to two coats of MAS Protect WB with 50% dilution with water is required. It can be applied by brush, roller or conventional spray.
Apply Epofloor SF or Epodecor into the well-sanded surface to achieve a mirror-like effect.
Standard colours as per catalogues are readily available and various colours can be obtained with our Tintomachine or Unicolour.